
Okay, so this is my first blog post. I am starting this blog just to voice my opinions on stuff, maybe inform some readers, and also to write things that take more than 140 characters. A lot of times I find myself trying to say something in social media that requires a bit of explaining. It is important to get you thoughts out there, because ideas are valuable and can actually cause changes in this world that we live in. The more informed we are, the more we can make the right choices and be more free than we were before.

Some of my writing will be humorous or satirical and some more serious. I am interested in science and history but also a lot of social issues. Never do I want to offend and I know right now that I am going to offend a lot of people in the future, but you can’t please everyone so it is as it is.

So this is it. I hope through this process that I can inform and entertain the lot of you. Thanks and hope to hear from you in the future. Take care.